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Post-Processing and Run Control

WRspice in interactive mode provides a powerful plotting capability for simulation output. Plots can be generated on the fly while simulating, or after simulation is complete. The command language provides interactive data manipulation and generation capability on output prior to plotting. Any number of plots can be shown on-screen at a given time, and traces can be copied between plot windows via mouse operations for easy comparison.

A trace command allows the value of expressions involving circuit variables to be printed as simulation progresses. Simulation can be paused by typing the interrupt character (Ctrl-C), and can be resumed later. Simulation can also be paused after a certain number of data points, or when a logical expression involving circuit variables becomes true.

The Verilog capability can be used to provide automata for control and monitoring of a circuit during simulation. Verilog modules are defined within the circuit description, and are evaluated as simulation (transient analysis only) progresses. This is clearly useful for mixed analog/digital systems, but has additional utility for implementing event or error counters, etc., for output statistical analysis.

WRspice provides a measurement capability for providing timing or other information from a circuit simulation. Any number of measurements can be included in a circuit description. This can be particularly useful in optimization scripts.

All of this capability is tied together in the WRspice shell, which provides command processing in interactive mode, but also provides a scripting capability. Scripts can be written to automate complicated analyses and data manipulation. All circuit output data, device and circuit parameters, and shell variables and vectors are available in a rich programming environment.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29