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The Mplot Panel

This panel appears when plotting results from operating range or Monte Carlo analysis, and is brought up by the mplot command. The display consists of an array of cells, each of which represent the results of a single trial. As the results become available, the cells indicate a pass or fail, In operating range analysis, the cells indicate a particular bias condition according to the axes. In Monte Carlo analysis, the position of the cells has no significance. In this case the display indicates the number of trials completed.

The panel includes a Help button which brings up a help message, a Redraw button to redraw the plot if, for example, the plotting colors are redefined, and a Print button for generating hard copy output of the plot.

Text entered while the pointer is in the mplot window will appear in the plot, and hardcopies. This text, and other text which appears in the plot, can be edited in the manner of text in plot windows.

The cells in an mplot can be selected/deselected by clicking on them. Clicking with button 1 will select/deselect that cell. Using button 2, the row containing the cell will be selected or deselected, and with button 3 the column will be selected or deselected. A selected cell will be shown with a colored background, with an index number printed.

Only one mplot window can have selections. Clicking in a new window will deselect all selections in other mplot windows. See the description of the mplot command in 4.8.5 for information about use of the selections.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29