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Pre-Defined Parameters

The following parameter definitions are always automatically defined, as if specified on a .param line. However, they are read-only, and attempts to redefine them will silently fail.

This parameter is set to 1 if WRspice is running in batch mode, 0 otherwise.

The value of this parameter is set to 1. This enables users to include WRspice-specific input in SPICE files, which will be ignored by other simulators (and vice-versa). The following lines will accomplish this:

(input lines specific for WRspice)
(input lines specific to another simulator)

The first (.param) line would be silently ignored in WRspice, so that the ``(input lines specific for WRspice)'' will be read. In another simulator, the parameter definition will set WRSPICE_PROGRAM to zero, so that the ``(input lines specific to another simulator)'' would be read instead.

The parameter WRSPICE_RELEASE is predefined with the release code number. The release code number is a five digit integer xyzz0, corresponding to release x.y.z. The x and y fields are one digit, z is two digits, 0 padded. The trailing 0 is a historical anachronism. For example, release 3.1.15 has release code number 32150. This parameter is read-only, and attempts to change its value in a .param line or otherwise are silently ignored.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29