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.check, .checkall, .monte, and .noexec Lines

General Form:
WRspice provides a built-in two-dimensional operating range analysis as well as Monte Carlo analysis. A complete description of the file formats used in these analyses is provided in Chapter 5.1. The analysis is initiated with the check command described in 4.6.6, or is performed immediately if in batch mode. Files intended for operating range or Monte Carlo analysis may contain the keywords .check, checkall, or .monte. In each case, the execution of the .control block is suppressed when the circuit is read, however the .exec block is executed normally. The .noexec keyword also suppresses execution of the .control block, but does not predispose the circuit to any particular type of analysis.

The .check line specifies operating range analysis, where the contour of operation is to be determined. In the two-dimensional space of the variables being varied, the rows are evaluated from the left until a ``pass'' condition is found. The analysis then resumes at the far right, working left until a ``pass'' point is found. The area between the pass points is never evaluated. If there are islands of fail points within the pass region, they will not be found with this algorithm. The .checkall line, if used instead, will evaluate all of the points. This slows evaluation, but is more thorough.

The .monte line specifies Monte Carlo analysis. The .noexec line simply bypasses the execution of the .control lines when the file is read. It is not an error to have more than one of these lines present in the file (but this is poor practice). The .monte line has precedence, and .checkall has precedence over .check. The .noexec is assumed if any of the other lines are given.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29