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.adc Line

General Form:
This line of WRspice input converts a SPICE signal into a digital signal for the Verilog block. Such lines are used only as an adjunct to Verilog.

General Form:
.adc digital_var node_name [offset] [delta]

The parameters have the following interpretation:

A qualified name of a variable in the Verilog block, which can include a range specification.
The node of the circuit to convert, not including any ``v()"''. Current branches can be accessed as ``name#branch''.
offset (optional, default 0)
An optional real number subtracted from value before conversion (default 0).
delta (optional, default 1)
The size of an lsb for conversion. This is optional, defaulting to 1.

The transfer function is:

value = value - offset
if (value > 0)
value = value + 0.5*delta
value = value - 0.5*delta
conversion = (integer) (value/delta)

The offset and delta arguments to the .adc line can be expressions. These will be evaluated once only, as the circuit is read in.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29