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Model Level

This parameter can take values 1 (the default if not given) or 2. The level indicates the treatement of a lossy element, and has no effect if the transmission line is lossless.

Level 1 handles arbitrary RLCG configurations using the Pade approximation approach. A Pade approximation is used as a rational function approximation to the transfer function in the Laplace domain, which has a trivial inverse transformation to the time domain. Further, separability avoids the need to perform a complex convolution at each time point. The model is very fast and accurate enough for most purposes.

Level 2 handles RLC configurations using a full numerical convolution, equivalent to the LTRA model. It does not allow a G element, and is much slower than the Pade approximation approach, however it may be more accurate. Level 2 supports the following types of lines: RLC (uniform transmission line with series loss only), RC (uniform RC line), LC (lossless transmission line), and RG (distributed series resistance and parallel conductance only).

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29