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The Terminal Edit Pop-Up: Editing Terminals

The Terminal Edit pop-up appears when using the subct button in the electrical side menu. It also appears while in physical mode and using the Edit Terminals button from the Setup page of the Extraction Setup panel, which is brought up with the Setup button in the Extract Menu. In either case, it provides a means for editing various properties of a terminal, including its name.

When the panel is visible, one of the terminals in the display is highlighted, and the controls in the panel represent the state for the highlighted terminal. This is the ``target terminal'' which will be modified by the panel.

The panel configures itself for either scalar or multi-contact terminals in electrical mode, depending on the target terminal. In physical mode, only scalar terminals exist and not all parameters are editable, and the panel configures itself accordingly. The panel will appear quite different in these three cases.

The target terminal can be changed by Shift-clicking or double-clicking over a different terminal. It can also be changed with the Prev, Next, and To Index buttons found in the panel.

Every scalar terminal has a unique index number. This is the number that is shown in the box which represents the terminal in the schematic. This represents the order of the terminals in calls to instances of the current cell. Bus terminals have an index number as well, which must be one of the scalar terminal indices. The ordering of the multi-contact terminal is at the index, but before the scalar terminal with the same index.

The Prev button will cycle the target terminal to the one with index value one less than the current index, wrapping at zero. The Next button will cycle the target terminal in the opposite direction. The To Index button and numeric entry area can be used to change the target terminal to one with the specified index, of the same type (scalar or multi-contact terminal) as the present terminal.

No actual change is made unless or until the Apply button is pressed. Pressing Apply will update the target terminal according to the entries in the panel. Changes made can be undone and redone with the standard Xic undo/redo operations.

Pressing the Dismiss button will retire the panel.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29