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Associated Net Name Label

In electrical mode, wires that participate in schematic connectivity can have an associated text label. The text provides a name for the net (node) that contains the wire, and is equivalent to the placement of a named terminal device (see 7.5.1) at a vertex of the wire.

To create and bind a label to a wire, first select the wire. Then, press the label button in the side menu. Enter the text, and place the label in the normal way. The text in the label will be taken as a candidate net name (see 7.11) for the net containing the wire.

Unlike unlabeled wires, a wire with a label will never be merged with adjacent wires. Labeled wires play an important role in the connectivity of some schematics, by defining multi-conductor wire nets, and providing the ``taps'' to access the net. Complete information is provided in the Connectivity Overview in 4.2.7 and the sections that follow.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29