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The Push Button: Push Editing Context

Pressing the Push button in the Cell Menu will push the editing context to a subcell. This means that the subcell becomes the ``current cell'', and editing operations can be performed in this cell. The Pop command in the Cell Menu can be used to return to the original current cell.

If, when the Push button is pressed, the Info command is active and an object is selected that is not in the current cell, The editing context will be pushed to the cell containing that object, which may be arbitrarily deep in the hierarchy.

Otherwise, if any subcells are selected, the editing context will be pushed to the most recently selected subcell. If no subcell has been selected, the user is asked to select one.

The pushed-to cell is displayed in true orientation, with or without the surrounding context shown as set with the Show Context in Push button in the Main Window sub-menu in the Attributes Menu or in the sub-window Attributes menu. The surrounding context is generally shown with reduced illumination to visually differentiate the current cell from the context. The illumination percentage can be set in the Window Attributes panel (from the Attributes Menu), or equivalently by setting the ContextDarkPcnt variable to a value 1-100 (100 indicates no darkening).

The history of which cells have been pushed to and popped from is saved. Assume that previously one has pushed into the hierarchy and popped back. When the Push button is active, pressing the Enter key will push down one level and deactivate the button. Holding the Ctrl key while pressing Enter will suppress the button deactivation, so that one can press Enter repeatedly to push deeper into the hierarchy, following the last push sequence. Pressing Shift-Enter will cycle backwards, i.e., pop, with button deactivation controlled by the Ctrl key as above. Unless the Ctrl key was up during the last context change, the Push command is still active and one must press Esc before the cell can be edited.

If instead of pressing Enter a subcell is clicked on, the subcell is pushed to in the usual way, and all past history below the present level is removed.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29