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The Modify Menu: Modify Geometry

The Modify Menu contains commands which alter the current design, supplemental to the side menu. Most of these commands have keyboard or mouse motion shortcuts, so an experienced user may not often use this menu.

The table below summarizes the commands that appear in the Modify Menu, including the internal command name and the command function.

Modify Menu
Label Name Pop-up Function
Undo undo none Undo last operation
Redo redo none Redo last undo
Delete delet none Delete objects
Erase Under eundr none Erase under objects
Move move none Move objects
Copy copy none Copy objects
Stretch strch none Stretch objects
Change Layer chlyr none Move object to new layer
Set Layer Chg Mode mclcg Layer Change Mode Set layer change mode for move/copy

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29