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Redirect Files

Redirect files are an adjunct to the search path mechanism used by Xic for finding files. Redirect files are files created by the user, that tell Xic about additional locations to search for input files.

Redirect files must be named ``xt_redirect'', and are text files with the following format and properties:

When searching a directory, the directories found in a redirect file are also searched, in order, after the current directory. The search is recursive, so that arbitrarily deep hierarchies can be searched via the redirect file mechanism.

With redirect files, only the top directory of a hierarchy needs to be included in the search path (or given explicitly). This can be very convenient for organizing collections of native cell files, for example.

The Path Files Listing panel from the File Menu will list files found through the redirect files on separate pages for each redirected directory, just as for the directories contained in the search path.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29