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Scale Factor

(real) SetConvertScale(scale, which)
This sets the scale used for conversions. There are three such scales, and the one to set is specified by the second argument, which is an integer 0-2.
which = 0
Set the scale used when converting an archive file directly to another format with the
FromArchive script function or similar, or with the Format Conversion panel.
which = 1
Set the scale used when writing a file with the Export and ToXXX script functions or similar, or the Export Control panel.
which = 2
Set the scale used when reading a file into Xic with the Edit or OpenCell functions or similar, or from the Import Control panel in Xic.
Script functions that read, write, or convert archive file data will in general make use of one of these scale factors, however if the function takes a scale value as an argument, that value will be used rather than the values set with this function.

The scale argument is a real value in the inclusive range 0.001 - 1000.0. The return value is the previous scale value.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29