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Symbolic Mode

(int) Connect(for_spice)
This function establishes the circuit connectivity for the current hierarchy. If the boolean for_spice is false, then devices with the nophys property set are ignored, and the netlist will have the ``shorted'' nophys devices shorted out. This is appropriate for LVS and other extraction system operations.

If for_spice is true, the nophys devices are included, and not shorted. This applies when generating output for SPICE simulation.

The function returns 1 on success, 0 otherwise. If the schematic is already processed and current, the function will return immediately. The schematic is implicitly processed before most internal operations that make use of the schematic, so it is unlikely that the user will need to call this function.

(int) ToSpice(spicefile)
This function will dump a SPICE file from the current cell to a file of the given name. If the argument is null or an empty string, the name will be that of the current cell with a ``.cir'' suffix. Any existing file of the same name will be moved, and given a ``.bak'' extension. The return value is 1 on success, 0 otherwise.

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Stephen R. Whiteley 2024-09-29