Whiteley Research Incorporated

Distribution Archive
IC Design Software for Unix/Linux and Windows
Whiteley Research Inc., 456 Flora Vista Avenue, Sunnyvale CA 94086    wrcad.com
XicTools Package Distribution Site
Whiteley Research Inc., wrcad.com

Welcome to the Whiteley Research Inc. Package Distribution Site.

Current Release Numbers
click for release notes
WRspice 4.3.21 10/26/24
Xic 4.3.14 9/29/24
The files in this directory and subdirectories expand to binary executables and supporting files for the XicTools suite. Thise are snap-shots of an open-source development project. The main programs were formerly commercial, but are now available free of charge. Use at your own risk, there are no guarantees whatsoever.

Generation 4.3 post-production releases are available!


  • New Darwin.arm64 packages for Apple with M1 chip. Intel packages are also available. Both require MacPorts installation (instructions provided).

  • Windows releases are now 64-bit, and run under MSYS2/MINGW64. MSYS2 installation is required to run the programs (instructions provided).

  • New packages for Rocky 8, Fedora 40, Debian 11, Ubuntu 24.04, and OpenSUSE 15.6 Linux.

  • All packages now provide separate binaries that use GTK or Qt graphics systems. See below for more information.

  • The latest versions of the Xic and WRspice manuals are available in PostScript, PDF, and HTML form in the docs directory. The information in the manuals is current to the release number indicated on the title page.

  • The release notes are supplied in the distributions, and are installed by default in /usr/local/xictools/program/docs. Be sure to read this after installing a new program. This can be done from the main Help menu in the programs.

Source Code Availability


Downloading Instructions

You may have to press the Shift key or perform some other operation on your browser to initiate downloading, while clicking on the file name to download the file.

The Xic and WRspice programs can be enabled to automatically check for updates, and when available the user can download and install when convenient. If this is a first-time installation, or for some reason you choose to install manually, follow the procedure below.

It is recommended that you first create a temporary directory to receive the files.

  1. Click on the link in the table below that corresponds to your computer's operating system.

  2. Click on each of the files you wish to download, doing whatever is necessary on your browser to initiate downloading. Wait for the download to complete. You can simply download all of the files in the directory, especially for a first-time installation. Otherwise, you can download only the newer revisions of the programs you have installed. You should always download fresh copies of the wr_install and wr_uninstall scripts, and the .bat files under Windows, as these are small and might have changed.

  3. Do not change the names of the files! The wr_install script requires the given names.

Installation Instructions

Installation Instructions for Microsoft Windows and Linux and Apple MacOS.

Setup Instructions and Info for Qt versions.

Package Files
Darwin.arm64 Packages containing MacOS 64-bit packages for Apple-Si.
Darwin.x86_64 Packages containing MacOS 64-bit packages for Intel.
LinuxDebian11 Packages containing x86_64 64-bit binaries for Debian Linux 11 and similar.
LinuxFedora40 Packages containing x86_64 64-bit binaries for Fedora Linux 40 and similar.
LinuxOpenSUSE15 Packages containing x86_64 64-bit binaries for OpenSUSE Linux 15.6 and similar.
LinuxRHEL7 Packages containing x86_64 64-bit binaries for CentOS Linux 7 and similar.
LinuxRocky8 Packages containing x86_64 64-bit binaries for Rocky Linux 8 and similar.
LinuxUbuntu24 Packages containing amd64 binaries for Ubuntu Linux 24.04 and similar.
MINGW Self-extracting archives containing Microsoft Windows 64-bit packages
Other Things of Interest
docs Directory containing manuals, release notes, and other supplemental documentation
misc Directory for misc. examples and non-essentials

Copyright © Whiteley Research Inc. 2017